Wednesday, January 26, 2011


We have officially had our boys a week and I gotta tell you, they are A LOT of work (we knew they would be).  It's all worth it in the end of the day because there aint nothing like two sweet pups falling asleep in mommy and daddys lap :] 

Last Saturday was B-E-A-UTIFUL so we played outside and Uncle Eddie came over and wore the boys out!

It's also really exciting to see progress in their learning.  They dont even bother to try and jump on the couch anymore - we are NOT animals on furniture type people: We're not mean, I promise! I just want to get them on the right track so that in less than a year, when they are both 75 pounds, we won't have to fight for our bed! As of last night they learned to sit!!  We dont even have to bribe them with a treat!  Now were working on "crate" and "loose leash".  They are much easier to train separately and its nice for Justin and I to each have alone time with both Abu and Ace.  The inside accidents are dwindling and we know that when they hover around the front door, they need to go pottay!

Anyways, you probably also notice the new look of the DD blog!  My cousin Aimee came over last weekend and took a bunch of gorgeous pictures of the house.  I am working on my camera skills so that I can be JUUUUUST like her :] 


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