Sunday, January 09, 2011

I've Been FRAMED!

After taking down our Christmas decorations, I thought our living room looked a little bare.  I have been holding off with the wall art because I wasn't sure exactly what I wanted to do and I didn't want to make a bunch of holes in the wall!

I decided that I wanted to do collages of framed photos on either side of the wall of the dining room walk through. So that is what I did. 

I took a trip to IKEA on my lunch break and headed straight to the accessories section (with side blinders on) and found their RIBBA frames which I have purchased many times before.  The exciting thing is that RIBBA frames now come in brown!!  I only remember seeing the frames in black and white so when I saw the newly added color, I screamed at the top of my lungs and did a victory dance.  Well, not really but I was thrilled!

I purchased a bunch of different sizes and headed home to start hanging some frames :]

My next step was to lay the frames on the floor in a pattern that I would recreate when hanging them.  I had a few pictures that I knew I wanted to hang so I filled a few frames and helped the hubby hang.

 Here they are hanging in all their glory

The next day I chose a bunch of pictures of friends and family to fill in the rest of the frames.  I tried to pick a lot of group photos so that we could include as many people possible on our picture wall.

After filling the frames, this is the final product.

Hubs and I were thinking that we actually might like all b&w photos in this area but haven't switched them yet - we're still thinking on it.

I have a few frames left over that will spill into the hallway and have many more ideas for picture walls in other places of our home. Very Excite!

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