Thursday, January 06, 2011

Hand Cramps.

After sending out 80+ Christmas cards, my poor right hand needed an umbrella drink and a massage.  Not only did it cause me great pain but as each envelope passed through, the writing got uglier and sloppier and messier...  No Bueno.

Now that we are at a permanent residence I REALLY want to get one of these puppies!

A return address stamp. <3  I WANT IT AND I WANT IT NOW!

Well at least before next December :]

This thing would seriously make Christmas cards SO much easier.  The thing I love most about them are all the different styles they have to choose from.  I came across this site, and they have some super cute self inking stamps.  Here are a few that caught my eye:
 This one I really like.  It's cute and modern but I think my name might be too long and would make it look wierd.

 This one I love because it's all over the place! I like how they use different fonts for each line. Very cool.

This one I like because its classic. The only thing is that it might be hard for people to read.

Yep. Definitely need one of these :]

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