Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Meeting the Petersiks.... Check!

Last weekend my Friend Macey and I made our way to the Tacoma Home show so we could meet our blogger role models John and Sherry Petersik from Young House Love.

I have been a follower of their blog for years and have enjoyed seeing the progress through their first house, purchasing their second house, writing a book, having a baby and all that happened in between.

I bought their book a while back and it's loaded with fun and easy DIY fixes for your home. Fast forward to January and this puppy is autographed and I can check meeting the Petersiks off my list. =]
We arrived downtown early, had lunch at Freighthouse Square and then went into the Tacoma Dome to check out what we're working with.  We wanted to be sure we got a seat for the YHL presentation and Q and A series.

The presentation was "7 Lessons we learned while showing our home some love."  They broke down the mistakes they made, how sometimes you have to bring in the professionals and how you need to decorate for you, not anyone else.


They were great! Sherry wants to confirm she's not pregnant.

We had a few brief moments with them as they signed our books and took pictures with us.  They were very nice and seemed so fun!  Sherry guessed I was having a girl and I felt so bad bursting her bubble telling her it was a boy.  I said "hey, nothing is for sure until this thing comes out." =]
I also presented her with a cowl scarf I knitted since I can't paint or do much when it comes to house projects.  I hope she likes it!
Macey and I had a lot of fun meeting them!  They were down to earth, nice and have been such and inspiration to us!

Macey and I decided to hit up Happy Hour at Katie Downs on the waterfront.  It had turned out to be such a gorgeous day!  Don't worry, I had a root beer :)

I have lots more posts coming atcha.  We've got decorating going on, more baby shower recaps and little projects! I just need to get my arse in gear and post them!

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