Wednesday, February 13, 2013

What Going On?!

Well we have 2.5 weeks until our Cru is due! We have been working like mad to get the house in tip top shape so that we don't have to worry about much after his arrival!
We've been working in all areas of the house and when we are done I will post a full house tour on the status of our construction, decor and untouched areas.  Our goal is to have everything complete by this weekend so that we can spend then last two weeks before baby just relaxing and hanging out with each other.
Since my last post, my sweet co-workers threw me a surprise baby shower, my girlfriends threw another and like I mentioned earlier, all of our spare time is being spent working on the house!
I will post shower posts today and tomorrow but here is the status of the housework plus a few teasers...


 Cru's Nursery:You may remember this post where I laid out all the plans for Cru's nursery.  I have to say that I pretty much nailed this exact look.  We had to make a few changes but It's looking awesome and I look forward to sharing a full on detailed post with you either Friday or early next week!  If you follow me on instagram or FB you'll see that I posted a little teaser of Cru's bookshelves.  I love them so much!

Master Bedroom: Progress is coming along in this room, you may remember my decor inspiration I talked about in this post.  We have our chandy hung (pic below) which we love.  Scale wise it's probably a tad to big for the space but it makes a statement and I love the look of the light using the round bulbs vs the candle wick looking ones.  As far as decorating, I need to purchase some key pieces for the space.  I need to get some throw pillows, a fiddle fig plant and move up one of my antique chairs.  Right now I am working with what we have as far as accessories and it's not really clicking for me.  I think after I find the perfect key pieces it will all flow together perfectly.  I plan on shopping this weekend to get all the goods needed for the rest of our pre-baby house plan and get the Master all decorated!

Master Bathroom:  I gave you the updates here. This room looks the exact same.  Our priorities keep shifting but I do have the mirrors purchased and some other pieces that I am excited to get in here!  Justin plans on doing the plumbing this weekend.  After that, it's ready for all the accessories.  We still need to get a shower kit for the clawfoot but are putting that on hold because the installation is pretty intense.  We're deciding on how we want to deal with that.  At least until then we will have an almost fully functional bathroom!

Photo: Master bath is coming along!! #ddprogress

Guest Room: Our main floor guest room got an upgrade to a queen sized bed from a full which the in-laws appreciate as well as a nice memory foam mattress topper to make sure all are comfortable.  We also threw on some new bedding, did a little frame painting and un-accessorized a bit.  We don't have a bed frame so I need to get on that so we can get the bed off of the floor.  I also want to get some hooks for the wall so guests can hang their towels up in their room or whatever else they might want to get off the floor. 

Old Bedroom/Now Office:  The room we used to lie our heads on the main floor is now an office with sleeper sofa.  This room definitely has a vintage vibe.  We've put to use an old library table, some old suitcases and other old accessories.  I've gotten it all cleaned up and organized but there is definitely still more I want to do to it. I'm going for a vintage travel theme and purchased these post cards from (see below).  I want to use them to document where hubs and I have traveled together and eventually come up with a great collage/central art piece.  More on that later. =]


Hall Mini Makeover:  I still really want to do this and told you all about it here.  We just haven't gotten there!  It would take probably an hour to complete but I have been dragging my feet on this! I have the perfect collage frame I want to hang here from my mom, started a calendar system to keep our lives straight and want to get a wall letter organizer to keep track of what to file, what to address, and all that jazz.  I also want to add hooks for dog collars, leashes and maybe find a slender basket to throw dirties in.  I know with a baby coming there will be a larger accumulation of dirties.

Stairway: Besides the carpet, this area still needs work.  I painted it a while back but that needs to be touch up since moving furniture up has caused some scrapes and scratches.  We are also going to put up a photo wall of all vintage family photos and put up railings so people don't go falling on me.  We took down the old light which we both love and spray painted it black.  It will pop against the Vanilla Milkshake colored paint.  This space will go pretty quickly as well.  My portion is printing the pictures, My brother and Justin will have to handle the rest.


Closets:  One of the things I wanted to complete was to get all the closets cleaned our and organized.  I am so happy to be able to check this off of the list!  All the closets/drawers are organized and cleaned out!  Our hallway/2nd pantry was the most major and it may not look organized to you but this is amazing! I was able to fit all my extra dishes and kitchen supplies in here as well as entertaining pieces and disposable cutlery and dishes!  After we move all our bathroom stuff upstairs I would like to use the cabinet in the main bathroom for all the things in the bathroom box you can see on the bottom shelf/floor.  Then I will have room for my wok, deep fryer and bread maker.  It's still a lot of crap but it's a lot of crap we use and at least its all in one place and organized. =]

Baby Gifts: This was quite the feat! We are so blessed and received so many wonderful gifts and are so thankful but man, going through and finding room and washing everything for all these little person things was quite the task!  We were able to get everything put away and have it all make sense and kept everything organized! It took over our guest room for a few weeks but with his impending arrival (any time!) I wanted to make sure everything was ready so that we didn't have to worry about anything when we came home from the hospital. 

Here is all his loot before the big wash/put away party.
All his diapers fit in the drawers of his changing station. More on this later ;]

His pack n play found a home in the living room since that is the main hub of the home and where we hang to watch TV, eat and visit.

Other than that, the hospital bags are packed and I am doing my best to keep on top of the cleaning so that we can come home to a clean house. 
Long story short, you can see the psychotic OCD nesting mode has fallen on me.  I am crazily trying to make the home perfect which I know is stupid but you can't tell a nesting pregnant woman that because that makes you crazy and wrong!  =]  I have to say thank you to my amazing hubby who is putting up with all the crazy and handling it like a pro.  I wouldn't be able to stand me right now...
As you can see I have a lot of home related posts I want to go into more detail about so stay tuned for those as well as a couple more baby posts! 

1 comment:

Sarah Kyle said...

It's not stupid at all!! People also told me to pre make food and freeze it, but my mom lives across the yard so I didn't need that. You've got so many people around you too that will bring over casseroles and tasty treats when you just want to sleep and rest with baby.