Friday, February 15, 2013

Baby Shower #5: Ready to Pop!

My final shower was hosted by a group of my bestest and oldest friends.  I've know one of these girls since daycare age!  I love that we are all still best friends and feel so blessed to have each and every one of these girls in my life!!
The theme was "Ready to Pop" and it was perfect because A. I'm ready to pop and B. Popcorn is one of my favorite snacks!

The drinks consisted of  Soda Pop, a Poppin Punch and Water with a Pop of Lemon :)
The menu included popcorn, jalapeno poppers, pizza pops, popcorn chicken, pop tarts and other food with pop! =]

This shower was hosted by my girlfriends I grew up with! Between all of us we either went to elementary, middle, high school or college together. I love that we are all still so close!


It was awesome and I am so thankful!  This was the last of my showers and I am so thankful for all the wonderful people in my life who have loved and blessed us so much! 
Now I am ready to meet my little boy!

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