Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A Vintage Christmas

I was in Macy's this past Saturday and in the world of shopping malls Christmas time is already upon us.  Ornaments nestled in winter garlands adorned the ceilings and "Jolly old Saint Nick" was filling the ears of vigorous shoppers.  After a brief moment of holiday hipnosis (record player hault)... "what day is it?" 

Now, I believe that early November is way too soon for Christmas decor and music but I must say that it got me thinking...

I have decided that I want to decorate our house in Vintage Christmas this year.  My grandparents on my father's side are giving us most of their Christmas decor and I know there is bound to be some cool, vintage, festive items :)   I also just like the way it looks and think it would fit perfectly in Casa Dobson. 

I find some items that are a bit creepy in their old age but for the most part I love the sweet innocence that older things bring to a home.  They trigger memories and remind people of the "good ol days" and of a time when our world was a little less... well... jacked up. 
I LOVE the Thanksgiving/Christmas season.  I love the decor, the smells, peoples spirits and all the yummylicious food I get to eat and not feel bad because I have the excuse of the the Holidays. Justin and I are blessed in having such great friends and amazing family that we get to share this time with.
Whether its Grandma Wilson's yummy Chirstmas cookies, or Grammy Schuett's AMAZING dinner or donating Toys for Tots with the Dobsons, its nice how everyone comes together. 

* See my post tonight for my excuses on why it to me so darn stinkin long to post on our blog!  I am soooo sorry :] 

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