Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Front Porch in Detail...

As you all saw in the "A Little Switcheroo" post, Justin and I did a quick redo of our front door.  The original screen door was a red color which, wasnt bad, but we felt it was a little dated and wanted to give it a little pizzaz. The front steps in my opinion were hideous.  They were the weirdest hue of blue/grey I have EVER seen.   Here... is the before :)

After a trip to McLendons I was ready to paint, paint and paint.  In all my excitement I sort of forgot about the fact that we were in mid october and the weather conditions were less than ideal for painting an exterior surface.  The evening was approaching bringing with it a cool damp dew that made the "30 minute dry time" non existant.  I am impulsive and I didnt care so I went ahead anyways.  After realizing my boo boo Justin and I had to figure out some way to just get it dry.  Enter hair dryer and HOT halogen light.

 So thats what we did.  I held the blowdryer while Justin held the lamp and we sat there and held them until we were bored (which didnt take very long) then we got a plastic tarp and covered the porch with the lamp under it, nicely heating (drying) the wet, wet paint.  I'm sure our neighbors thought we were very cool.

Here is the finished product.  We have much bigger plans for the front of the house but for the time being this will do.  We chose a black paint for the screen door to coordinate with the banisters, outdoor lighting and mailbox and a charcol grey for the steps.

What quick fixes have you done to your home?

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