Sunday, June 03, 2012

Outdoor Inspiration.

So Spring is here and Summer is on it's way! 
I bought some plants yesterday and moved some stuff around in the flower beds and it looks SO much better! (More on that tomorrow)
While perusing Pinterest, I found some great ideas and inspiration to incorporate into our outdoor space.
1.  Paint the House (Again).

Right now we have a whole lotta green going on.  Too much.  I don't like it.  I'm craving contrast and color and this is not doing it for me.

More green...
 and more green!

So, I have decided on two colors. 

Option 1: I saw this grey and was all over it.  I think it is a great neutral color that will make the green yard pop and leaves a lot of room for adding any color.

Option 2:  I just saw this blue and I think it's amazing.  It might be a little too bold for me though and we don't have as much trim as this to break it up so it might be too much blue.

2. Paint the Screen Door. Eventually we are going to completely redo the entry way but until then...

I am on the yellow door bandwagon.  I love it. Except we would have a yellow screen door instead of the front door.

3. Walkway Border.

Boring.  Needs life.  Something like this with more solar lighting.

4. Low Deck/Pavers.

The backyard is coming a long nicely but still needs a little love in some most areas.

We love the grass but need some hard surfaces to put our table and chairs on and add some visual interest.

Using all freecycled pieces from my in-laws, my goal is to build steps and a low deck off the the french doors that transitions into a paver patio.

The pavers we have are 2'x2' and look exactly like this. So visually replace the brick above with these babies.

5. Backyard lighting.

Lighting is amazing and is so important when creating a space indoor or outdoor.

I don't have an amazing gazebo like this but I love the combo of the tiki like torches, frosted globe lights and solar lights.  Expect to see an assortment of lighting in our backyard too!

6. Copper Rain Chains.

I am over gutters.  I DO NOT LIKE them. So my plan it to purchase a couple of these bad boys and hang one by the front door to replace the nasty gutter eyesore that exists there.

This should keep us busy for a while.  Now we just need the rain to go away so that we can paint the house!

We're also working upstairs and will keep you posted as we go with that!

Hope you all had a great weekend!

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