Monday, December 20, 2010

12 Days of Christmas: DAY EIGHT

Every year the company I work at chooses an organization to donate to.  This year they accepted my suggestion and we worked all November and December to raise money and supplies needed to help the Pediatric Interim Care Center (PICC). 

The Pediatric Interim Care center is a safe, comfortable place where drug induced infants go through their withdrawl and are given a fresh start in life.  It is an "in between hopsital and home" care facility that specializes in caring for these little ones. 

I was blessed to be the organizer and overseer of all things charity this holiday season at work :]  I had a wonderful support team in my fellow Christmas Committe partners and were successful in raising over $10,000 in funds and supplies the PICC needed.  I had done a fundraising project for this organization in high school and was excited to get to work with them again!

Earlier today, we got to go deliver the goods and get a tour of the center.  The Director was so estactic at the donation and couldn't believe we did this for them.  We walked around the facility and met many little ones that have already dealt with more than I have in my 24 years of life. It was a blessing and so wonderful to help such a deserving group of people!

Donations from our offices

 The delivery group!

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