Wednesday, October 16, 2013

It's Fall Y'all - Outside Edition

I already showed you our fall decor inside the house, now step outside with me for a quick look at what we did out there...

We didn't decorate very much, only around the front door area.  I grew up in a home where the decor was always autumn related instead of Halloween related so that's what I like to do too! 

Here is the front door area. Just a couple of potted mums, some pumpkins, a home made wreath and a couple of home made signs.

The pumpkins came from Spooner Farms.  We went on a family pumpkin patch outing this past Monday (more on that later this week :]).  Our front stoop area isn't very big so we stuck with some more modest sized pumpkins.

This also home to a quick DIY sign I made a couple weeks ago.  I have a full tutorial on that coming soon too!

I love white pumpkins.  I think they are so pretty and they compliment our screen door so well!

I also made a "No Soliciting" sign for our front door to keep all year round.  We have a lot of door to door people in our town so hopefully this will end that! :]

I hung my home made wreath on our newly painted screen door.  I didn't document how I made it but it is a wreath form from the dollar store, some extra ribbon and an extra fall garland I had on hand.  I also had the "d" lying around so I fastened that on there to add a personal touch.  It was free, easy and adds a lot to the front of our home!

Between the paint color, screen door, brick chimney and fall flava happening here, I am in love! I think it looks so good!  Next spring we will be getting a new roof and adding some landscaping that lasts all year round so it will just keep getting better!

Happy Fall Y'all!

1 comment:

Whitney said...

I love it!! Looks SO good!