Friday, August 23, 2013

Three Trips, Three States, Three Posts - Post Three

Our third and final trip in the three week, three trip saga was a weekend with friends and their kids and a family cabin on Vashon Island.   The weather was perfect, the food was delish and the company was so much fun!  Here is a shot of our home for the weekend. :]

We took the ferry over on Friday night and took a take home pizza from Saucy Sisters and it was SO good!  If you ever want pizza on Vashon, go there!  We all turned in semi early that night, everyone was tired from the work week so after a glass of wine and some laughs, we hit the hay.

I love the room we get when we stay there because of these guys. :]

The next morning we were up and at em and BBQing by 10 am.  We took walks on the beach but mostly just sat around talking and eating! We brought over a bunch of pig out in the park sausage from Spokane that we grilled up and snacked on throughout the day.

We spent all of Saturday and Sunday out on the water.  It was so relaxing!  We played music all day, had a constant flow of snacks and food, spent the day SUPing and had fun conversation!  It was a great weekend!



 The dogs had a blast too...



We ended our nights with smores and a campfire...


and the mornings looked a little like this! :]

So that sums up our summer travels! Nothing fancy but lots of fun!

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