Sunday, July 28, 2013

The Office

The Office is one of our favorite TV shows but it was also a room in our house that needed to be addressed.  Our Office or the Dobson Den has been a long time coming.  We knew right when we purchased our house that we wanted this room to be an office/last option guest room. 
Here is how the room started out.  It had a horrible pink paint job and some weird burgundy carpet that was just lying on top of the hardwoods.  It was all sorts of bad, but this sort of bad is totally our thing.  We could see the potential.

After a paint job and adding some moulding near the top of each wall, this room became our temporary master since the upstairs was phase II of our home makeover and was completely inhabitable.

It completely lacked style and storage but we needed somewhere to rest our weary heads and this was our only option for the time being!

That spring, we decided that this was the perfect room to add french doors to our back yard.  Our house is so old it didn't have a sliding glass door so we wanted to make the back yard more accessible for us and our new pups.

Then we continued to sleep in there for another year... 

We finally moved upstairs and after we did we through the office furniture in there.

Here is what the room looked like right before Cru was born.  Spoiler: It's scary!

Then I got my crazy pregnant lady hands on it and now the space looks like this:

We're at a good stopping point for now.  It's definitely not near completed, it's a total "work with what we have" space. Now that the baby toys are getting to be more, I am thinking of reworking this into and office/playroom/guestroom.  I have some fun ideas but it will have to wait until fall when we are done with the exterior projects. 

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