Thursday, September 22, 2011

Street Finds Reveal...

The other day I posted a bunch of fun things I found and purchased in and around our little town. Well now I want to show you what I did with them!

The first pillow I purchased for $1 I decided to just toss it onto our bed.  The golden yellow color matches the curtains and yellow in the photo above the bed perfectly!

The second $1 pillow I scored was tossed onto the chair in the living room corner...

This $4 dollar giant lamp needed to be in a space where its large scale wouldn't take over.

The shelf in the living room was the PERFECT spot for the lamp.  The large scale of it actually fits much better than the lamp I had there before.  It really anchors the area and looks MUCH better!

I'm still deciding on what to do with the black frames, I am leaning more towards using them as as a gift but I'm not sure.... However, I found a home for the "D" I picked up.

You may recall my photo wall? 

Well, I picked up a few more frames from IKEA and added the "D" to extend further left on the wall.  I love it so much and it makes the  wall look more complete.

And this little $20 gem =]

Well I stuck my TV right on it!

We had to prop the TV up on blocks which looks silly but our TV is the Tube/Flatscreen so it sticks out in the back...  If we had a true flat screen it would work perfectly but until then this will have to do.

So that's what I did!

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