Thursday, December 16, 2010

12 Days of Christmas: DAY FOUR

Growing up, I did the same thing every year.  Christmas Eve was spent with my mom and her side of the family and Christmas day was spent with my dad and his side of the family.  It worked out great and left me not having to choose who I wanted to spend Christmas with that year.  :]  I have since been able to add my wonderful in-laws to the mix and am so excited for our 2010 Christmas.

The Schuett clan (mom's side) is a rambunctious, loud, opinionated group that all have hearts of solid gold.  My grammy is the ultimate when is comes to grandmothers and is the most huggable, loving and doting person.  She always makes enough food to feed every branch of the armed forces and the evenings spent at my grandparents home are full of laughter and chaos.  I have 5 little cousins and my younger sister, that are always running around and they ALL inherited their parent's LOUD gene.  Every Christmas eve is fabulous and the company is perfect.

The Wilson side (dad's side) is a little less traditional.  We have a smaller group so every year it is a little different.  I have my brother and his family that live in Missoula and my aunt and uncle that live in SoCal.  Sometimes we have the privilege of spending the holidays with them and it is always a fun time!  In the past, we often went to Sun River Oregon and would spend a week there playing in the snow, snowboarding, sledding, shopping and having a great time with the whole clan :]  I am SUPER excited for this year because my SoCal family is coming up and I cant wait to spend Christmas with them since it's been a good few years since we've all been together.  We have a downtown Seattle trip planned on the 23rd and will spend ALL of Christmas day together - I can't wait!

Now that I'm married to the most amazing person on this earth, I get to spend the holidays with another amazing family. The Dobsons :]  Christmas with the Dobsons is always different, which I like.  One year we spent the holiday season in Palm Springs and this year they are coming to our neck of the woods to celebrate the day after Christmas :]  We are going to have dinner at Justin's sister's new place and I am excited to see it!  Every year we don't buy gifts for each other, but we donate $$ or supplies to the charity of our choice.  It's amazing how great it feels to help others in need especially in the current time.

Busy Busy Busy Busy, but I guess that's just how the cookie crumbles!  I feel so very blessed to be able to be surrounded by people I love and share the holiday season with them!

What are you doing this Christmas?

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