Friday, May 23, 2014

Clap Along...Because I'm Happppppyyyyyyyyy!

YOU GUYS! We have a new roof.  A beautiful, wonderful, roof.  AND gutters that are wonderful and beautiful too!  

Here is the before. You can see how the roof was fading in color and how the gutters were ugly and bad it looked.
We received a bid and decided to go with WestCoast Vinyl.  Their roofing and gutter contractors were awesome but I was NOT impressed with the customer service of WestCoast Vinyl.  People would just show up at my house with me knowing they were coming and I had to call to find out when they scheduled me for the job! That was frustrating but we are happy with with end result.
The roofing only took two days.  The first day, the contractors tore off the existing roof to the bare studs and put on new plywood and the protective paper. 
Day two they put on all the shingles and attached and caulked the flashing.  It went so quickly!  This is what we were left with after the roof was done and before the gutters were put on.  Looking Good!
Here is the back yard view.  Also pre gutter install.
After - Pre gutters.
The gutter install went great too! They guys were so nice and they got the job done quickly!
We opted out of a downspout by the front door.  We are in the process of picking out a copper rain chain that will replace it and in my opinion, look much better!
We also have to patch and paint some areas where the previous gutters ran too long.  This will add another tedious task to our list but will look great once its complete.
We are so happy with the end result and can now rest assured that we have a quality roof to keep up warm and dry!

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