Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Christmas Gift Making

I love homemade gifts.  I think they are more personal and I like getting crafty and making things.  This year I only made a couple different things but next Christmas I fully intend on owning a sewing machine and making every gift I give.  Pretty ambitious I know, but I really want to do it!

One gift I knew for sure I was going to make was chalkboard wine glasses.  I had the chalkboard paint already from this project, and after the purchase of four wine glasses, had a fun unique gift at a low cost!

I was inspired by Pinterest and read a few different ways to apply the chalkboard paint to the bottom of the glass.  Some tutorials dipped the bottom in while other painted on.  I went for the painted on method because I thought it would be less messy and would give the paint less opportunity to drip.

I used a small sponge brush and added the chalkboard pain on thin layer by layer and set them on parchment paper to dry.

After it was dry, the chalk went on nicely and now my mother-in-law has four wine glasses to use for hosting and everyone can write their name on them so there's no oopsie switcheroos!

The next Christmas craft I chose to make was so easy and fun! I have been saving wine bottles for something and was excited to finally find a purpose for them!

I set 4 bottles at a time in the sink and soaked the labels off.  Once they were all dried out, I used the chalkboard paint again to paint a chalkboard square on the front of the bottle.

I picked up a couple packs of 12 free flow pourers for $4.99 each and put one on top of each bottle.

With the chalkboard paint on there, the gift receivers can used it for whatever the deem necessary!  Some ideas I gave them were soap, olive oil, coffee syrups and really anything else liquidish!

Many people received one of these this year and I still have a few a home that need to be gifted!

While perusing on Pinterest, I found some other ideas I can't wait to DIY...

These I plan to make with my future sewing machine:

At work, a group of ladies (including myself) and being taught how to knit by a co-worker.  I plan to make the following with my newly acquired skills:

Chunky Knit Scarfs
Kitchen Extras
and much more!

For more fun Pinterest inspired DIY ideas, check out my DIY Board on Pinterest!

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