Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Mama Likey!

This. Is. It. This is the missing puzzle piece to our living room. I want it and I need it. It is exactly what I am looking for and I think you get the point.

Allow me to introduce to you Pottery Barn's Leena Media Console. It is red, antiqued and perfect.

There is only one problem. 


Holy Buckets. That's not going to work for the Dobson household. Sad face.

Soooooo............... I came across another option.

Ana White is a Wood Working Diva, she can build any and everything and she even has a tutorial (here) to built a close replica to my Sweet Leena.

The only problem with this option is that it looks pretty tricky. There is a lot of detail going into this project....but who knows, maybe we'll give it a go?

Another thing I thought might work is finding an old dresser, cutting it down, adding legs and molding where it's needed and painting it red...

Hmmmm.... choices, choices...

Along with a new Media Cabinet comes a new TV. I want something smaller and flat that will blend nicely into the space instead of yelling "LOOK AT ME"...

This is something that will most likely happen a little later in the year but I am excited that I have found a visual for my design vision.


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