Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Project Insulation

In effort to make our home warmer in the winter months and cooler in the summer months and to keep our PSE bill in check, we have been filling in our attic space and upstairs crawlspaces with wonderful, new, thick insulation.  We have a total of 5 attic access holes that we need to fill with insulation and create access doors to. 
This one at the top of the stairs...
This one in the ceiling of the master bedroom...
This one in the hall closet...
and two more in the blue room which will be part two of this wonderful fiberglass filled adventure.
Last week we purchased 5 rolls of unfaced insulation and some closet stuff (more on that later) and started to fill in the empty spaces of our attic and crawl spaces. 
Here is what it looks like now, a wonderfully soft looking insulated area that will keep us warmer this winter!
So now that we have all the insulation in place, we have started creating doors to cover the access areas.  We have to leave them accessible but need to close them off.
We have leftover drywall that we are going to use to tackle this project.  We also have leftover spray texture and paint so this portion of the project is Free.99, the best price ever!
What we did have to purchase was some moulding to trim out the spaces and hide the ugly that happens between the hole and the Sheetrock. 
So far, Justin has laid all the insulation, cut and nailed on two sides of the frame for the attic access in our room and has cut the Sheetrock to fit in the center. 
We need to purchase another strip of trim for this door to finish off the ends, spray texture and paint all of the sheet rock doors we created, and install all the doors so they look nice and pretty.
This project isn't nearly over but I thought I would update you guys on the process.  Stay tuned for part 2 and more of our insulation project!

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